Saturday, April 7, 2007

Since I might wake up and think it was all a dream

I took pictures to document this snowy day in April. I hope I never have to say "snowy day in April" again.

My car. The roofs of the houses across the street are white.

Snow collected in the patches of dead grass in the back yard.

The flower bed in back and Atticus, who thought he made his grand escape into the back yard.

Atticus realizing he made a terrible, terrible mistake and walking quite prissily through the snowy dirt back inside.

1 comment:

Perceptions said...

that is AMAZING! snow in APRIL?!?! hey, guess where I went last week? if you were gonna guess Venice, Italy than you were right!!! I thought of you because I got Roz a calligraphy pen like I bought you last time I was there. Hey, email me your new address so that I can send postcards next time I go somewhere cool.