Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Five Healthy Babies

A guy I work with just became a dad to five babies -- his wife delivered healthy quintuplets (!) today! It's a really cool story. She made it to 34 weeks, which is almost unheard of for this many babies. Catch up with the whole thing on her blog and their web site.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The aforementioned giant cucumber from my garden

Yes, we dressed it up. Yes, we are adults. Trisha (who sits next to me) brought in some Ms. Potato Head gear. This is how we lighten the mood during the stressful summer -- dressing up vegetables. Here, Andria (who sits across from me) models it. God bless camera phones.

I'm a bad blogger

As Shelley reminded me below I haven't been doing very well blogging. So, here's a few things that have been going on in my life.
  • Work, work, work. Summer is the busiest time at my company (not at Mason's, ha) and this year is no exception. I am managing a large project and to boot, my manager is on maternity leave, so that means I don't have her to bounce things off of as usual. She did send me a lovely bouquet of flowers though, which was very sweet.
  • Reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Which was amazing. HP books are the only ones where Mason and I have to map out a plan for who gets to read them first when a new one comes out (this year, I read it at night and Mason read it during the day). Plus, once one of us nears the end of the book, it's not unusual for that person to hole up in a room to finish, and the other person knows not to bother the person reading. I posted a comment about the book on Lance's blog.
  • Gardening, when I can get outside, when it's not raining. I haven't watered my garden since mid-May. No joke. My plants are so big that I can't get into the back corner of the garden where the watermelon patch is. One of the tomato plants is so big it's fallen over -- the tomato cage can't hold it. I grew a 1.5 lb. cucumber (I didn't mean for it to get this big, but with all the rain I can't get outside every day and cucumbers grow really fast). I'll post a picture soon. I made three quarts of pickles and canned them, and then canned two quarts of peeled, seeded tomatoes. I can't eat the veggies fast enough. If you need cucumbers let me know. I have a ton. Oh, and there are two baby watermelons that I can see, but like I said I can't get back there so I'm betting there are more.
  • This is really cool. Mason discovered yesterday that the neighbor who lives behind us is Lam Jones, former UT football player who played with Earl Campbell and was coached by Darrell Royal. He was the second overall pick in the 1980 draft and played for the Jets. And he has an Olympic gold medal -- he was a world-class sprinter. Anyway, he found out he had bone cancer in Oct. 2005, so he took this gorgeous photo of the UT tower after we won the championship in Jan. 2005 and the co-op sells them to help him raise money for his medical bills. Mason met him yesterday, and he gave us one of the pictures for free as a housewarming gift!

So there you have it folks. Work, gardening, Harry Potter, and living next door to a local celebrity. That's what's been going on in the Logerot house this summer. I really promise to post pics from our vacation and of my massive cucumber. I just have to upload them. More soon! I promise to be a better blogger from here on out!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Competitive eating cracks me up

I love it. They're announcing all the competitors and telling bits about them, such as "So and so is a burrito specialist, and holds titles in matzo balls and reindeer sausage."

They're gearing up for the annual 4th of July hot dog eating contest. The big news this year is that the favorite, Kobayashi, has some sort of jaw injury. Will he win? Or will his injury cost him the championship? That is yet to be decided, folks.

As an aside, I find it ridiculously unfair that some of these people weigh 105 pounds, etc. If your job is to stuff as much food in your mouth as fast as possible it only makes sense that you should be larger than those of us who actually watch what we eat. But I digress.